M3 Technology has cemented a franchise relationship with the 3M Electrical Specialty Markets Division.
3M (www.3m.com) specializes in a variety of tapes, adhesives, terminals, heat shrink tubing and abrasives; along with a host of other products. Through its new partnership, M3 Technology is now ideally positioned to handle any and all requirements for these products.
3M Electronic Specialty Markets (ESM) offers a wide variety of innovative 3M products to meet diverse application needs within the electronics industry. The organization serves maintenance and repair, R&D laboratories, technical education, and small OEM segments within this industry that are not served through traditional 3M sales channels. ESM sells products from many 3M divisions, offering customers the convenience of dealing with only one organization to complete their 3M product purchase.
Please contact us today for more information, and contact your account representative today for any and all new requirements.
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