M3 Technology recently welcomed an audit by SAI Global to review its procedures and practices for the handling of Electro Static Devices (ESD). The proper handling of these materials is a critical part of the M3 Technology Quality Management System, and central to ensuring product conformance. M3 is proud to announce that its process and procedures have again been approved by SAI and the renewal of its certification for another year.
In addition to ANSI ESD-S20.20-2014, M3 Technology is certified by SAI Global to the AS 9120 and ISO 9001 Certifications. Re-assessment of conformance to those standards takes place annually, with the next scheduled assessment in September. The M3 Technology Quality Management System is dedicated to continuous process improvement and drives the business operations of the company. Our commitment to Quality is central to ensuring customer satisfaction, product reliability, and overall company performance. For questions and further details relating to the M3 Technology Quality Management System, please email quality@m3-tec.com.
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