Beginning with a five-year contract to supply product for the design and development of the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, M3 Technology has been an active participant in support of several NASA efforts to create the next generation of manned space platforms to replace the Space Shuttle. Providing parts and supplies to multiple locations, M3 Technology works with a diverse supplier base to deliver equipment and components for NASA's latest programs.
Still in development, the Orion MPCV will be utilized for a wide variety of missions, including service to and from the International Space Station, and more ambitiously, manned missions beyond Low Earth Orbit, including eventual flights to the Moon, Mars, and asteroids. In conjunction with the Space Launch System, the Orion will follow in the rocket trails blazed by the Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle missions before them to return American Astronauts to the stars.
Drawing on the lessons of the past, and the technology of today, the Orion will hold four crewmembers (smaller than he space shuttle, but larger than the Apollo Command Module.) Designed for partial re-usability, the system will be recovered following water landings, again drawing on experiences gained during America's early years in space, while using the latest advances in materials to ensure the safety of crewmembers and the survivability of key systems during launch, deployment, re-entry and recovery.
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